design & illustration & art & maps & etcetera
1. Print
2. Ain’t
3. Dead
It’s a DIY risograph
print shop!
Rababar Press
established 2023 

︎︎︎Risograph print shop 
︎︎︎Studio practice 

On a trip to Japan in 2023, Vikki printed her artwork on a risograph printer at local artist studio and print shop Handsaw Press in Tokyo. Walking out the door of the print shop with fresh riso prints in hand, Vikki knew she needed to get one of these unique printers for her own practice.

A risograph is a Japanese stencil printer that leaves a satisfying matte finish on uncoated paper using eco-friendly, semi-transparent inks. The process is a lot like silkscreening. Ink colours are stored in separate ink drums and swapped out of the riso when printing. Colours are printed onto the paper one layer at a time.

In risograph printing, each print turns out uniquely and deliciously different - it is natural for slight imperfections exist in the printing, and this is part of this totally delightful medium.

Vikki often prints for artists in her community. She also produces all her own artwork, paper goods and  installations in her own studio, blending art, design and technical know-how into colourful and modern print culture.

all works copyright 2006 - present ︎︎︎ absolutely no AI technology is used in my creative practice